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Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2011Energy Spectra of an Electron in a Pyramid-shaped Quantum Dot in effective Mass Approximation with Even Mirror Boundary ConditionsMemoria de congresoJESUS ERNESTO GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ; PAUL HORLEY23-mar-2018
2014Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Strong and Weak Particle Confinement inside a Triangular Quantum DotMemoria de congresoJESUS GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ; PAUL HORLEY4-abr-2018
2014Finite-size effects on the magnetoelectric coupling in a ferroelectric /ferromagnetic structure revealed by ferromagnetic resonanceMemoria de congresoPAUL HORLEY5-abr-2018
2011Numerical Simulations of Nano-Scale Magnetization DynamicsCapítulo de libroPAUL HORLEY; JESUS GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ18-jun-2018
2016Multilayered Solar Energy Converters with Flexible Sequence of p and n Semiconductor FilmsCapítulo de libroPAVEL VOROBIEV .; PAUL HORLEY; LILIANA LICEA JIMENEZ18-jun-2018
2010Surface-Barrier Solar Cells Based On Monocrystalline Cadmium Telluride with the Modified BoundaryCapítulo de libroPAUL HORLEY18-jun-2018
2010Surface-Barrier Solar Cells Based On Monocrystalline Cadmium Telluride with the Modified BoundaryCapítulo de libroJESUS ERNESTO GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ; PAUL HORLEY; PAVEL VOROBIEV .3-jul-2018
2011Numerical Simulations of Nano-Scale Magnetization DynamicsCapítulo de libroPAUL HORLEY; JESUS ERNESTO GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ9-jul-2018
2012Thin Film Solar Cells: Modeling, Obtaining and ApplicationsCapítulo de libroPAUL HORLEY; PAVEL VOROBIEV .; LILIANA LICEA JIMENEZ9-jul-2018

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